Ducky Duck children’s book


Picture Accredited to Denis proulx and author jenny loveless

As a proud father of nine children you can imagine the amount of story books me and my wife has read. When I seen this book I was intrigued it seemed a bright and colourful book with great pictures.
So I sat down with my 8 and 4 year old daughters and started to read just by the title they became interested by the possible adventure ducky would have.
So what’s the book about well without giving to much away. Ducky wants to be a bunny is about a duck who decides one morning he wants to be a bunny as well as other animals Ducky 
uses dress-up fun to become anything but a 
duck. He has many friends who help him 
during his identity crisis. Will any of his new 
identities work out for him?
The book is  just the right amount of pages for
bedtime the story is perfect for a child between 4-8 years old. 
The text is catchy and repetitive, which 
helps to engage your young children as 
well as your early readers. I also personally found that with the support of his mamma ducky can be anything he wants this to me sends a vital lesson to children that no matter who you are with effort you can achieve your dreams and be who you want to be.

Once I finished reading the book I asked my girls what did you think of the book they both replied really cool and asked me to read it once more.
So now your thinking were can I buy it well just follow the link to buy from amazon and in a matter of seconds you will have it and at bedtime tonight ducky could be getting your child to sleep.

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