A dad’s despair

I was going to do this story a few days ago but because of the subject I wanted to make sure I did it justice. I really would love feed back on this Article.
Imagine your a man and a dad in a hostile relationship were the wife /partner is abusive emotionally and physically but one day you come home to see her in bed with another man you loose your temper and and for a split second forget she is a women and strike her in anger.
But for the sake of the kids you leave so not to see them upset at the event unfolding before your eyes.
In the next moment your being arrested for assault the wife had called the police giving them either half or hardly any of the true events and your charged the situation becomes more and more hostile over the coming months you try to see your children but she refuses eventually she brings in the social services to have supervised visits claiming she fears for her safety (let’s not forget she was the abuser not the abused).
But she like all abusers can with ease manipulate people and systems to make the look like the victim and the victim the criminal.


And what about the children in this sort of situation being torn apart having to make choices they should not be faced with being witness to two people they love fighting having to go to strange places just to see their dad or not seeing them at all and wondering why and blaming themselves for the situation as a whole and what lies or stories are the being told could they and their dad be a victim of parental alienation (explain more in another article) all these questions even though should be asked never are because of the extent of the manipulation involved.

So my question is this you have been fighting tooth and nail to see your children who you love more than life its self. You have tried countless times to convince people you are the victim its made you physically and emotionally drained do you
A) continue fighting tooth and nail
B) continue on with your life working earning the money to survive and hope one day your children come looking for you
Opinions please

Personal statement
When I first heard of this I could not believe the amount of men this happens to. What sick twisted person would do this not only to the man but also the children I mean seriously using these children as weapons against someone who only stood up for himself against a cold manipulative person in my next article I want to cover parental alienation and the effects it can have. Thanks for reading and I look forward to your feed back

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