Lies Corruption and Killings


The truth behind the senseless killings of one of the most majestic wild creatures, the wolf. Wolf hunting has become a problem for far to long on a global scale. It goes as far as hunting organizations and governments will use fake facts and statistics in a bid to justify the killings even though independent reports have proven that the facts presented by these associations and the governments are misleading and falsified. However it still doesn’t stop them using the false evidence to justify the killings. Some Associations such as The National Rifle Association in the USA use scare tactics to drum up support for wolf hunting. They put them selves forward as a human rights organization but behind the scenes are aggressive and violent towards anti wolf hunting organizations such as The Wolf Army or T.W.A for short. The Wolf Army was founded by Vincent Kennard in 2005 and started off as a secret organization. It only became public in 2009. The number of members have grown over the years to a staggering amount. The goal for The Wolf Army is simply this. “The Wolf Army aims to save the Wolf from further persecution and extinction by establishing a vast network of people, pooling skills, knowledge, contacts, economic and political power to reach its aim. In the interim T.W.A will organize events in protest of the killing of wolves and will educate and inform people on the true nature of the wolf. By doing this T.W.A hopes to achieve a new generation with a more tolerant idea of the wolf and its co-predators and the need for these animals in our Eco systems. source from

did you know that 

BC’s newly released (April 17, 2014) “Wolf Management Plan” presents a barbaric and grim future for wolves that amounts to a government sponsored kill program. Lactating females and their pups can be killed with no limits and no reporting in more than 1/2 the province and does not meet international standards for humane trapping according to the BC Trappers Association.

Wolves need your voice now. They are being killed at an unprecedented rate for “recreation” and targeted as scapegoats for caribou decline. They are killed by hired trappers, by government members, captured and sterilized, all as part of a failed experiment. a petition to stop it 

also Nearly two-thirds of all wolf incidents in the Upper Peninsula occurred on a single farm, where the individual farmer baited wolves with cattle and deer carcasses. As John Barnes of reported yesterday, that farmer, John Koski, has agreed to plead guilty to charges of neglecting the guard donkeys provided to him by the state and funded by Michigan taxpayers. Two of the donkeys starved to death and a third was removed due to neglect.


As Barnes noted, “Koski received nearly $33,000 in cattle-loss compensation from the state. Taxpayers also footed the bill for more than $200,000 in staff time and other measures to assist the farm against wolf attacks, documents obtained by show.” So here we have one farmer who pocketed tens of thousands of dollars, refused to use the fencing provided by the state, allowed guard donkeys to starve to death, and lured wolves to his property with a free buffet of rotting corpses. This was the poster child for Michigan’s “need” for a wolf hunt.

Politicians and state officials continue to point to wolf depredation statistics in the Upper Peninsula to justify their decision to open a wolf hunting season for the first time in four decades. But if Koski’s self-inflicted wolf incidents were removed from the statewide numbers, the true picture of wolf conflicts is miniscule at best. It’s one more example of state officials cooking the case against wolves: lawmakers and DNR staff have admitted that stories they told of wolves stalking daycare centers and staring at people through glass doors were false and never happened

– See more at:

And this folks is the smallest tip of the iceberg when uncovering the political and wolf hunter corruption and lies and killings just from the two examples i have given will prove that corruption and in some cases greed is at the heart of it these people don’t care about the wolves or what good they do all they care about is their twisted reason behind killing them and lining their pockets with cold hard cash they don’t even care about sacrificing their own animals.

This is why we must put a stop to such senseless killings for the good of the humble majestic wolf 

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