No Faith

Its been a long time since I’ve done a personal blog but I feel that I need to today so here goes.
Today I want to talk about the crime that’s controlling my side of stoke on Trent Staffordshire UK


For the past 4 years my family and many others have been targeted by a bunch of low life fucking yobs a gang of 11 or 12 members but these ain’t adults no these are young stupid ass kids with parents who clearly don’t give a shit.

The kids continually throw stones at our windows with no regard for small children in the homes being scared half to death because of these dumb fucks. At one point I went out to ask them to stop and they replied by stabbing me in the arm with a screwdriver yes that’s right stabbed me in front of my house in front of my family these subhuman scum have no regard for anyone.

Now I can’t talk for the rest of our community but I’m getting pretty fucking pissed off by this dick heads thinking they can control the streets with fear so I know what your thinking we’ll go to the police let them sort it out a good point so let’s talk about them shall we


To answer your question yes I personally have called the police a number of times and what happened well if they bothered to turn up they would simply say oh I’m sorry nothing we can do about it have you considered moving ??? Moving are you fucking shitting me yes OK let’s move and leave all my friends our support network not to mention our children’s friends etc yes sure I don’t mind a bunch of fucking dead beats running us out of our home.

This was the same conversation we had with Staffordshire police every time they came out if they bothered so now the point I got stabbed the police came out but instead of taking a statement they stood in my living room and watched cartoons before I kicked them out. Oh yes you read it right cartoons what a complete joke force.

So let me guess next question why not get security well we have security cameras have had them for many years but the police look at the footage and still nothing even when I shown them the footage of me getting stabbed I would at this point also like to add we even gave names of some of the gang member but still do nothing.

So today I decided to post on the local police Facebook page but after a few seconds of it being on there they delete it and now in able to post on the wall so I placed a statement on my Facebook profile and tagged my local council in it so they know how the town is being failed by the very people who supposed to protect us.

This is my statement

So I tried to post on Staffordshire police Facebook wall informing them about last night but it seems they don’t like negative feedback so deleted my statement and will not allow me to repost said statement luckily I run a blog so you cannot shut me up. For all who wish to read my statement its just below I will be blogging about this later today before I get back to my book  

Statement as follows
To the attention of the police please read and take serious : my family and many other families in Meir have been targeted for many years by a gang of 11 to 12 teenagers to young children they continuously throw stones at our windows scaring my young children and also elderly ladies etc we have called yourself a number of times you have either not bothered to turn up or when arrive say nothing can be done and we should consider moving this has been happening for over 4yrs … We have come to the conclusion that neither you or the low life yobs and parents care so from this day forth I will no longer waste my time trying to work with you or parents to solve the issue I will simply use reasonable force to protect my home and family and will NOT expect any visits from yourselves for doing so

With StokeonTrent CityCouncil

And I mean every word but what I want to add is I will be going to my local newspaper to get the story printed to name and shame them

13 thoughts on “No Faith

  1. Apparently we in the U.S. are not the only ones with these issues. People are taking the law into their own hands as well here. I am sorry this happened to you and hope that all works out soon for you and your neighborhood.

  2. Well, I expected your police officers over there to be 100x more responsive to problems but it seems to me you from what we have spoke about in the past, you live in a small area and your small area mind and problems are not any different than what we have over here.
    Case in point, the issues we have with our crackhead neighbors. They think because they have lived on this street the longest and they run drugs here in town and the police do nothing about, that they are above the law, which is not the case. We, even though we are tenants, we have the right to defend our property, our ‘stuff’, and the land and the house and the land on the behalf of the owner, our landlord. He lives in South Carolina anyway. We could put up a fence to keep the crackheads from walking through our yard, which they do without another thought, and to keep their offspring from playing in our yard. They have their own yard anyway, why can they not play in their own yard? Please forgive me, I digress. I am not sure on your laws over there, but I bet they are quite similar to ours. Do you have a gun? We have the right to pull a gun on a tresspasser. In fact, Chris was given permission by a couple of police officers here in town to pull his rifle if those crackheads came into our yard again. We are only allowed to shoot if we are being physically attacked or if someone enters unlawfully through our front door intending to rob and/or to committ malice/maim or kill us. I suggest that you check out your local laws and if you are allowed, to obtain a gun, both a handgun and/rifle shotgun and some knives and make it known in your neighborhood that you are armed and that you are not afraid to use force if provoked. I would also teach your wife and children self defense tactics and how to use weapons. You never know when you may have to use them. Whether for this issue or an apocolytic event. It doesn’t hurt. I myself have seven big knives and a couple little knives now that both Chris and I know how to use and Chris has four rifles he and I know how to use. I have knives stashed all over our place in easy access just in case. I recommend this because that gang of boys won’t stop and it’ll just get worse as they get older. Can your town council maybe oust those police officers and get new ones in that’ll actually get stuff done? Do you think perhaps the gang is paying them off to look the other way? What about a neighborhood watch committee like we have over here? Citizens arrest like we have? Idk if you have the last two. Just some other ideas to mull over because this is so not right on many level….

    • The police was some years ago very strict but over time have become less caring in their approach to public safety. Yes that’s correct it is a small area we live in but alot of the people that live here live in fear of hate crimes from teenagers etc when we have done nothing wrong. We are not aloud to carry or own fire arms its classed as illegal and could face prison time we also don’t have a neighborhood watch put in place because everyone has lost faith in the police and there duty to protect us. Many of us are now resorting to vigilante type justice whether its making a citizens arrest to Brut violence just to be left in peace. I’m not sure if any are corrupt to turn a blind eye but wouldn’t surprise me if was because of the law over in uk we are not aloud to carry any form of weapon not that it stops me. But now because of the lack of interest and support of local police i’m being forced to use any means needed to protect my home and my family so my children can sleep peacefully at night without fear. I find it unfair i should have to but it is my duty as a father and husband to do what needs to be done to protect my family

      • Hi. Yes, it seems like it has been forever and a day!
        We are doing Ok, thanks. Getting ready for Christmas and stuff. Chris and I have decided instead of a big wedding ceremony, we are going to put that money into a foreclosed home. For that reason I stated above and it is just time to have our own place. We will have a very small, privately ceremony with just my parents and sisters, my bff and her daughter, my Grandma, his Mom, his sister and her husband and daughter and maybe my other Mom and Dad. We are looking at as early as next February 2015. I have to have back surgery again on 13 January 2015. Things didn’t heal well and they are putting screws in this time. Other than that, nothing else new is going on.
        Besides this issue, how is your family? What’s new with you guys?

      • Some times big wedding can be over crowded and stressful we went for a small ceremony. That’s great new start new life in a sense im sorry to hear about your back i hope it heals well after the surgery
        Besides the current issue we doing good the home schooling is going well one of our kids is now in college and im writing a couple of book hence lack of blogs of late but they are coming on great almost finished one ready to be published

      • Thank you!
        I hope you get your book published! I need to figure out how to get published because I have a novella and enough poetry to fill a book that needs to get published… Before I get old and grey lolz
        Wow! A kid in college already! Chris’s son, Justin, turned 13, on 01 November. Can you imagine if Justin was truly my son, I would have been 16??!! That’s ghastly! I cannot imagine! I didn’t even know boys existed until I was 21 nd then it was all downhill from there, so to speak lol. In any case, I suppose we are all getting order with each fleeting second, correct?

      • Thank you im going self published with a company called they are free you can even design a cover for it check them out they take a small royalty from sales…. I know time goes to fast. Lol i know what you mean it was the same for me with girls, oh gosh yeah growing old is the only unbeatable thing as we do it every second

  3. The Stand Your Ground law,Here is a law if You and Or Family members are in Danger of Physical Harm, and You Use Physical force, Lethal force because of immeniant Threat, You can not be Legally charged..

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